Modesty, Survivors + Disasters Pt5

Today concludes this weeks posts about Modesty. Modesty is such a special term for our lives today. It has shown us how hard the Christian Life can be. The road can be long and difficult for those who struggle trying to find theweddingdress right clothes let alone the right swimsuit. There are plenty of places online to find the right modest clothing too. I will list them for you also. 

1. The Modest Mom Blog – — Being able to be feminine without losing your beliefs. This is also one blog I have been able to link upModest-Mom-blog-button-copy with on Mondays (Modest Mondays!)  

2. Deborah and Company – — apparal for all types of ages, from children to adults, including pregnancy. (the company is part of The Modest Mom Blog) I have seen some very cute ways to wear clothes, and I just love them. 

3. Land’s End – — I have had 2 swimsuits from here in the past, and I just loved them. Land’s End, helped my mom and I find a suitModesty that was for my Long torso, which frustrates me when shopping for a suit. If you are having trouble this might be the place to go for a suit, plus you can return them to a Sears store, can’t beat that either. 

4. Modestly Yours: — One mother who just completely writes on modesty. How she once went shopping for her 3 year old, but couldn’t find a swimsuit that she thought was best. This mother was honest in her opinion. I congratulate her on this. 

5. Prom and Modesty Here is one for you: — A shop that will help mothers and daughters with choosing a modest prom dress instead of choosing what is out there. Proms should also be regulated in many ways. Schools are doing their best for what needs to be shown, but Parents must also take the reign in for Modest Prom Dresses and Apparel.

6. Phylis Jean Modest blog and clothing: — Here is another blog/shop to help with modest clothing. Many times, we see a long skirt we like and however we want it and it looks cute. This site has some very cute skirts, I know $50 range seems high, but for a skirt that the public is pushing for the fashion today, it is worth it. 

I know I have listed 6 websites/blogs. Many times we really need to consider how our faith is represented and what may cause our fellowman to stumble. Paying attention to God and his word is vital and important. Yet we may be saying something we believe in but our clothes say otherwise. 

What message is the world wanting you to do?

What message does Christ want us to represent?

How should we approach on buying clothes? For our Fleshly desires or For God?

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