My getting married story

Unfortunately this tree did not survive but this is the tree that my husband Mark proposed under...

Unfortunately this tree did not survive but this is the tree that my husband Mark proposed under…

Mark and I met at church originally serving on a first impression team but in two complete opposite sides of the building. We were just acquaintances until God fully brought us together for His purpose and His glory. What a ride our dating was but the most rewarding in such a way. At the time we met, I honestly was with someone who was meant for someone else, and I am now thanking God for it.
Mark and I were talking one night on Facebook (he is on his{now our} computer, and I was in my childhood bedroom, up against a pillow that I still wished I had – a navy blue (it was a steal for $15.00 – on sale) chatting with Mark on my Nookcolor, which was very difficult to do, believe me.
Needless to say we had our first date happened the very next night. I am so very blessed to have him. Our first date was 3 months to the date of the Joplin Tornado. God brought us together in the most amazing way but also for a support during one of the times I needed it most. We only started seeing each other one day a week. Then it eventually began to extend to several days of the week. We loved the company of each other. We spent only a weekend apart where I was texted by Mark: Your family can have you this weekend but I get for the next 50 years. He fell in love with me before I even fell in love with Mark.
Yet let me take you back. God began to prepare each other even before we even met. I am ever so thankful for it. He prepared us in such a unique manner for each other. He prepared us so that we would be able to talk with each other no matter what. Mark, is my best friend and everything. As we were being prepared for each other, God knew he had to bring us together in his timing not ours.
As the time was getting closer for us to be together. It came quicker than it ever was. In August 2010, Mark began to pursue me, and would talk to me, no matter what. He would always come talk to me. He fell in love with me and waited very patiently for me until it was time to ask me out.
One night we were talking online on Facebook of all things. We started dating 3 months to the day of the 22 May 2011 tornado but I wouldn’t have asked for it any other way.

This Tornado Turn was given to each of us, and it was the exact tree that Mark Proposed underneath, now how cool is that?

This Tornado Turn was given to each of us, and it was the exact tree that Mark Proposed underneath, now how cool is that?

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